Bold and Faithful: Meet Today's Religious
In 2023 the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) launched Bold and Faithful: Meet Today’s Religious, an interactive storymap that continues to tell the story of the vitality of Catholic Religious Life Today. Developed in collaboration with Catholic vocation resource providers A Nun’s Life Ministry, Global Sisters Report in the Classroom, Called & Consecrated, and VISION Vocation Network, the storymap is designed for use by individuals considering a religious vocation and for parishes, campuses, and classrooms to promote vocations and connect those in religious life to everyday Catholics.
Featuring audio, video, articles, an interactive events calendar, and a religious institute map, the 2023 Bold and Faithful storymap is a companion resource, along with 2021 Religious Life Today storymap, to the NRVC’s 2020 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life. The 2020 study found that men and women continue to answer the call to religious life. New entrants are attracted by prayer, community life, and mission; are culturally diverse and committed to living simply in solidarity with the poor; and are filled with abundant hope.
The Bold and Faithful: Meet Today’s Religious storymap animates these study results by showcasing who today’s religious are, where they serve, the events they sponsor, and the ways they live out the spirit, or charism, of their religious institutes.
“Whether you work with discerners, campus ministers, parish catechists, religious leadership, Catholic donors, or others desiring to learn more about religious life and how to promote religious vocations, the Bold and Faithful storymap has something for everyone,” says Sister Dina Bato, S.P., Director of Membership for the National Religious Vocation Conference and member of the storymap taskforce. “The NRVC is exceedingly grateful to the GHR Foundation for supporting our efforts to shine a light on recent vocations to religious life and the lasting legacy of the men and women who choose to answer the call to vowed religious life.”
Learn more at
- Trends on Religious Life
- FOR PARISHES & PREACHERS: Sample homilies that encourage vocation discernment
- Beholden to no one but God
- VOCATION RESOURCES: Myths busted and questions answered
- Consecrated life through the ages (Religious Life Timeline)
- FOR PARENTS: Fostering happiness, holiness, and faithfulness
- FOR BULLETIN EDITORS & DISCERNERS: Reflections on consecrated life Read More
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- About Vocation Network and VISION Guide