Bold and Faithful: Meet Today's Religious
Introducing to our newest Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers, and priests and opportunities to learn more through video, podcasts, evernts calendar, lesson plans, religious institute map and more.
Vocations begin with prayer. Please make use of our growing collection of prayers for vocations and prayers for vocation discernment that have appeared in VISION in print or online.
Consecrated life through the ages (Religious Life Timeline)
From ancient desert monasticism to contemporary forms of religious life, a small band of Christian men and women in every generation choose to consecrate their lives to God with unique vows of love and service that give radical witness to the gospel.
Blog Index
Blogs by people and communities involved in Catholic religious life and vocations to religious life.
Infographic: Who is answering the call to religious life?
Wondering if you should become a Catholic sister, nun, brother, or priest. Look who is considering a vocation to consecrated life? Find out how old they are; where they live; what kind of community interests them.
FOR BULLETIN EDITORS & DISCERNERS: Reflections on consecrated life
Insightful quotes and reflections on consecrated life for use in parish bulletins or on the parish website for every week of the Year of Consecrated Life and beyond.
Myths and misconceptions abound when it comes to consecrated life and religious vocations. We are happy to bust those myths by putting facts at your fingertips. VISION Vocation Network tracks vocation trends annually. Don’t forget to sign up to receive our award-winning E-Vocation newsletter to stay up-to-date on vocation news.
PRAYER CARD: Pope Francis Prayer for Vocations
Please make use of this prayer for vocations by Pope Francis in your homes, classrooms, youth ministry gatherings, and parish liturgies.
Would you like today's Take Five reflection to appear on your website every day?
Find your spirituality type quiz
Take a short quiz to find out your spirituality type.
FOR PARISHES & PREACHERS: Sample homilies that encourage vocation discernment
Here are some quick tips and sample homilies on vocation-related themes.
FOR LITURGISTS & PRAYER MINISTERS | petitionary prayers | song | vocation prayers
Please include a petitionary prayer in honor of the Year of Consecrated Life at every liturgy, and sing our specially commissioned song, Wake the World With Dawning Joy.
Beholden to no one but God
A Catholic journalist had an assignment to interview religious sisters about their work. As she made call after call, a theme emerged: The sisters saw the journalist, and publicity in general, as a nuisance to endure or, if possible, to avoid. Perhaps these sisters, and other men and women in consecrated life, need a crash course in how to grab their 15 minutes of fame.
VOCATION RESOURCES: Myths busted and questions answered
Here are some additional VISION articles that help separate the fact and fiction about religious life.
FOR PARENTS: Fostering happiness, holiness, and faithfulness
Suggestions to help you in your role as your children's primary teachers about life, love, and the joys of being Catholic.
Tips, insights, and lesson ideas for Catholic religious educators for encouraging prayer, discernment, and vocations.
Consecrated life: Words of wisdom
Ideas gathered from VISION Vocation Network's rich store of articles and online features for young men and women to learn more about their Catholic faith, their spirituality, and the vocation options available to them as they seek to find the path in life that will give them the most joy and fulfillment.
Back in God's embrace: How to make a good Confession
Confessing our sins helps us to recognize our weaknesses and our need for God's forgiveness and embrace.
A guide to Catholic Social Teaching
You shouldn’t have to learn about Catholic social teaching on the streets—but that’s not a bad place to start!
Point and click to pray
A guide to websites that bring prayer and spiritual development right to your computer.
Reader Statistics: Current and Archived
Look who's interested in a religious vocation.
Help is at hand: Guidebooks on the way to religious life
VISION ASKED VOCATION MINISTERS in the U.S. and Canada to recommend some of the best books on life as a priest, religious sister, or religious brother. What follows is a list of some of the good reading they recommend.
HOMILY: The biblical notion of call
Noted biblical scholar Fr. Donald Senior, C.P. outlines the fundamental qualities in the scripture stories where Jesus calls disciples, including the fact that discipleship begins not with a choice but a call.
HOMILY: For what purpose have you come?
World Day for Consecrated Life, February 8, 2015 (Lectionary number 74)
HOMILY: Take a moment of silence
Cardinal Timothy Dolan passes on the important lessons he learned about the vocations from two sheep herders and the Good Shepherd.
A sample homily for WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS; READINGS FOR FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER. Adaptable for other vocation-related homilies throughout the year.
Questions and answers about religious vocations
Many people use the word vocation (from the Latin vocare, meaning "to call") in reference to the call to be a priest, sister, or brother. However, the Catholic understanding of vocation is much broader: every baptized person has a vocation--a call--to love and serve God.
How to use Vocation Match
This short instructional video explains how to use VISION Vocation Match to help you discern your calling.
How to create a culture of discernment
Creative ways to use VISION in your home.
Family movie night
Film lovers, you might be surprised at the movies that have received the Vatican’s thumbs up. Read the Vatican Commission’s reviews of each film here. And then pick one to watch with your family. Popcorn required.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
As parents, it is worth exploring your children’s answers to this question at each stage of their lives.
Explore VISION Vocation Guide
VISION is an essential tool for anyone interested in learning about specific religious vocations or religious orders, or to find upcoming events for prayer, reflection, and service. Check out the current issue and reflect on and discuss an article.
Vocation Match: Discover where God may be calling you
Use VISION Vocation Match, a fun, simple tool to help you figure out where God is calling you.
Explore vocation through service
Work as a youth or campus ministry group to explore the importance of service in action, then discuss the experience.
Interview a priest, sister, or brother
Meet with someone in religious life--a Catholic brother, sister, or priest--and ask these suggested questions.
For Religious Educators: Vocation Lesson Plans
Creative ways to use VISION in the classroom.