- Marists (S.M.), Society of Mary (Community)
- PIME Missionaries (PIME) (Community)
- PIME Missionaries (PIME) (Community)
- Benedictine Monks (O.S.B.), Saint Benedict, OR, Mount Angel Abbey (Community)
- Prayer sustains my vocation (Article by Father Robert Guerrero)
- Change today? One man's journey into priesthood (Article by Father Edward L. Beck, C.P.)
- Ed's story: Lose a dream, find a life (Article by Brian Doyle)
- I am willing to receive requests from prospects with the following marital status: (Q&A response by Julie)
- My ideal candidate has considered religious life or the priesthood for at least (Q&A response by Julie)
- Why can’t a woman be ordained? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- Paying for seminary (Blog entry by )
- Dealing with stage fright (Blog entry by )
- How do I discern my calling to priesthood or brotherhood? (Blog entry by )
- Why being a priest makes me happy (Article by Father Jim Kent, O.F.M. Conv.)
- Secrets to being a happy priest (Article by Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.)
- Vocations in the works: Why we’re considering life as a priest or brother (Article by Father Marvin Kitten, S.J. )
- Full circle for Father Manuel Williams, C.R. (Article by Leslie Scanlon)
- Hounded by a relentless God (Article by Father William J. O’Malley, S.J.)
- On the road to priesthood in the company of a faithful God (Article by Father Eduardo C. Fernández, S.J.)
- The three essentials in every priest’s life (Article by Father Terry Keehan)
- Why do we have priests? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
21 Results