- Carmelite Monastery (Community)
- Sisters of Saints Cyril & Methodius (SS.C.M.) (Community)
- Congregation of Divine Providence (C.D.P.), Melbourne, KY (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Ferdinand, IN, Monastery Immaculate Conception (Community)
- Daughters of the Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (F.C.S.C.J.) (Community)
- Dominican Sisters (O.P.), Springfield, IL (Community)
- Sisters Of Charity of Nazareth, KY (S.C.N.) (Community)
- Brothers of the Sacred Heart (S.C.) (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Covington, KY, St. Walburg Monastery (Community)
- Carmel of Cristo Rey (O.C.D.) (Community)
- Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities (OSF) (Community)
- Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities (OSF) (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Watertown, SD--Mother of God Monastery (Community)
- Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul (D.C.) (Community)
- Sisters of St. Francis (O.S.F.), Sylvania, OH (Community)
- Franciscan Daughters of Mary (F.D.M.) (Community)
- Trappist Cistercian Monks (O.C.S.O.) Vina, CA, Abbey of New Clairvaux (Community)
- Ursuline Sisters of Mount St. Joseph (O.S.U.) (Community)
- Redemptorists (C.Ss.R.), U.K. (Community)
- Redemptorists (C.Ss.R.), Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Community)
- Benedictine Monks (O.S.B.) Saint Meinrad Archabbey (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), St. Placid Priory, Lacey, WA (Community)
- Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace (C.S.J.P.) (Community)
- Daughters of the Heart of Mary (D.H.M.) (Community)
- Discalced Carmelite Friars (O.C.D.), California-Arizona Province of St. Joseph (Community)
- Little Company of Mary Sisters (L.C.M.) (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Fort Smith, AR, St. Scholastica Monastery (Community)
- Order of Discalced Carmelites (O.C.D.), UK (Community)
- Cistercian Sisters (O.C.S.O.), Glencairn Abbey, IE (Community)
- Augustinians of the Assumption (A.A.) (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (O.S.B.) (Community)
- Trappistine Cistercian Nuns (O.C.S.O.), Sonoita, AZ, Santa Rita Abbey (Community)
- Trappistine Cistercian Nuns (O.C.S.O.), Wrentham, MA, Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey (Community)
- Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (F.M.A.) (Community)
- Poor Clares (O.S.C.), Cincinnati, OH (Community)
- Carmelite Monastery (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (O.S.B.) (Community)
- Ten great things about being Catholic (Article by Alice Camille)
- Prayer sustains my vocation (Article by Father Robert Guerrero)
- How to know where God is leading you (Article by Sister Marcia Ziska, O.S.B.)
- Just call me Bishop Gustavo (Article by Carol Schuck Scheiber )
- What's the difference between saying "set" prayers and prayers in my own words? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- How is the Mass “prayer”? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- How does God “answer” prayers? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- What is the Liturgy of the Hours? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- Why pray the rosary? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- Where did Lent come from? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- Discerning your vocation (Blog entry by )
- How can I find God in my life? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- What is prayer? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- What are the different forms of prayer? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- What’s the purpose of incense? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- The brothers will be my prayer (Article by Brother Dismas Warner, O.C.S.O.)
- Point and click to pray (Article by Carol Schuck Scheiber)
- Pray always (Article by Father Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I.)
- Prayer set in motion (Article by Sister Pat Dowling, C.B.S.)
- Year of Prayer resources (Article by VISION editors)
- FOR LITURGISTS & PRAYER MINISTERS | petitionary prayers | song | vocation prayers (Article by VISION editors)
- PRAYER CARD: Pope Francis Prayer for Vocations (Article by Pope Francis)
- How families can support their children's vocation choices (Article by Beth Mahoney)
- What I learned as a novice (Article by Brother Carlos Medina, O.S.A.)
- Do-it-yourself discernment retreat (Article by the VISION editors)
- What is spirituality? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- 4 questions to answer God’s call (Article by Sister Anita Louise Lowe, O.S.B. )
- What it takes to be a good priest (Article by Father Jim Kent, O.F.M.Conv.)
- What are the different forms of prayer? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- Where did the "Hail Mary" prayer come from? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
- Family prayer calendar (Article by )
- Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (S.S.S.) (Community)
- Oblates of the Virgin Mary (O.M.V.) (Community)
70 Resultados