- Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (O.S.B.) (Community)
- Benedictine Monks (O.S.B.) Saint Meinrad Archabbey (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Duluth, MN, St. Scholastica Monastery (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (O.S.B.) (Community)
- Can I keep doing my music when I enter religious life? (Blog entry by )
- Spinning with the Spirit - VISION music podcasts (Article by DJ Phyre)
- PODCAST: Sacred Music (Article by DJ Phyre)
- PODCAST: Runner's delight (Article by DJ Phyre)
- PODCAST: Christmas Jingles (Article by DJ Phyre)
- Podcast: Erin Go Bragh (Article by DJ Phyre)
- The brothers will be my prayer (Article by Brother Dismas Warner, O.C.S.O.)
- Brother behind bars (Article by Brother Rufino Zaragoza, O.F.M. )
- Taking my vows to heart (Article by Sister Vivian Ramos)
- My mission: To be an instrument in God’s hands (Article by Father Paul D’Souza, S.J. and Siobhán O’Neill)
- The smiling priest (Article by Paula Doyle)
- SONG: Wake the world with dawning joy (Article by Steven Warner, music and lyrics )
- Where did the Stabat Mater come from? (Blog entry by Alice L. Camille)
17 Results