- Carmelite Monastery (Community)
- Daughters of Wisdom (D.W.) (Community)
- Sisters of the Resurrection (C.R.), New York Province (Community)
- Sisters of the Good Shepherd (RGS and CGS) (Community)
- Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate (P.V.M.I.) (Community)
- Trappistine Cistercian Nuns (O.C.S.O.), Whitehorn, CA, Redwoods Monastery (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), Bismarck, ND, Annunciation Monastery (Community)
- Carmel of Cristo Rey (O.C.D.) (Community)
- Order of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary (O.S.I.H.) (Community)
- Trappist Cistercian Monks (O.C.S.O.) Vina, CA, Abbey of New Clairvaux (Community)
- Visitation Sisters of Minneapolis (V.H.M.) (Community)
- Benedictine Monks (O.S.B.) Saint Meinrad Archabbey (Community)
- Carmelite Nuns (O.Carm.), Hudson, WI, Carmel of the Sacred Heart (Community)
- Order of Holy Endeavor (O.S.O.) (Community)
- Discalced Carmelite Friars (O.C.D.), California-Arizona Province of St. Joseph (Community)
- Religious of the Assumption (R.A.), UK (Community)
- Capuchin Franciscan Friars (O.F.M.Cap.), IE (Community)
- Cistercian Sisters (O.C.S.O.), Glencairn Abbey, IE (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (O.S.B.) (Community)
- Trappistine Cistercian Nuns (O.C.S.O.), Sonoita, AZ, Santa Rita Abbey (Community)
- Trappistine Cistercian Nuns (O.C.S.O.), Wrentham, MA, Mount Saint Mary’s Abbey (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters (O.S.B.), NABVFC (Community)
- Poor Clares (O.S.C.), Cincinnati, OH (Community)
- Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia (O.S.F.) (Community)
- Benedictine Nuns (O.S.B.), Virginia Dale, CO, Abbey of St. Walburga (Community)
- Trappistine Cistercian Nuns, (O.C.S.O.), Dubuque, IA, Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey (Community)
- Carmelite Monastery (Community)
- Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration (O.S.B.) (Community)
- Define your terms (Article by Carol Schuck Scheiber)
29 Results