Calendrier d'Événements

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Online Discernment Group

Online Discernment Group

The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
Mar 31 2025
07:00 AM - 08:00 AM
Détails des Dates des Événements
Voir Toutes les Dates
Monday Evenings, 8:00-9:00PM Eastern, 2025
Tes coordonnées.
Caryn Crook, OSF at 315-751-6819 or Valerie Zottola, CSJ @
Mar 31 2025
07:00 AM - 08:00 AM
GMAP Single!
Online Discernment Group
The Discernment Group meets every Monday evening at 8 pm on Zoom. It is for women discerning their vocation. Most women do not meet another who is discerning and feel isolated. The Discernment Group offers women a place to meet others discerning and find support as they learn about discernment, religious life, spirituality, addressing hurdles to moving forward, options for them and other topics. Each meeting is a stand alone meeting so if you miss one you will not be behind. It is a no guilt zone. You come when you can with no expectation of showing up each Monday. For more information contact Sister Caryn at 315-751-6819
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