We Dominican Sisters of Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Catherine of Sienna, Cabra, are a small congregation with mission areas in South Africa, Latin America, Ireland, Louisiana, and a Trust (Fundação) in Lisbon. We strive to be faithful to Saint Dominic’s dream of bringing the Gospel to the people. Our thought is centred on the Incarnation, the coming of God into our world to fully share our humanity. This leads to a strong devotion to Jesus, a high value on human life, and seeing good in all created things. Our motto is: ‘To praise, to bless, to proclaim." Our spirit is positive, joyful, and celebratory. We are searchers for God and for truth. We live in communion, sharing all we are and have with each other, supporting each other. We are contemplatives, praying together in community each day. We are preachers with a mission to evangelise, teach and liberate people. Join us! Member of Vocations Ireland.
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