We observe the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by living in obedience, without anything of one’s own, in chastity and enclosure. The holiness of our foundress St. Clare was so manifest that when giving sworn evidence in the process of her canonisation only two years after her death in 1253, the sisters stated that it would be impossible to recount her virtues fully. The Pope himself honoured her by coming to her death bed in Assisi. Clare thought of her sisters as ”co-workers with God and a support for the frail and failing members of His Glorious Body." This is our vocation as Poor Clares, and we rejoice in it. Prayer carries into every moment of our lives. It is like the golden thread running through the design of an exquisite piece of embroidery; it unifies the whole to create a work of art called contemplative life. Please contact us for further information. Member of Vocations Ireland.
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