Our monastery is a school of the Lord’s service where Christ is formed in the hearts of the brothers through the liturgy, the abbot’s teaching, and the fraternal way of life. The monk expresses this love by his desire to share life together at the heart of the Church and to grow into Christ through prayer, work, and sacred reading every day. Located in the beautiful knob country of central Kentucky, we Trappists have lived, prayed, and worked in this house of the Lord for over 165 years. Our mission is the praise of God’s goodness and the proclamation of the Kingdom’s nearness. Living in solitude and silence, the monk aspires to that interior quiet in which wisdom is born. The vows of obedience, stability, and fidelity to the monastic way of life provide our structure, support, and encouragement to persevere in the journey, in the work, in the search. Men between the ages of 22 and 50 may apply. For more information contact our vocation director.
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