We are an international, apostolic, women’s congregation founded in 1609 by Mary Ward. The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola are central to our life, dedicated to sharing Christ’s mission in our world. Mary Ward realized that the Jesuit ‘pathway to God’ could be followed by women. We strive to live life to the full, being ‘such as we appear and appear such as we are...’ always reflecting her values: ‘freedom, justice and sincerity.’ The words on her tombstone: ‘To love the poor, live, die and rise with them...’ was all the aim of Mary Ward...’ guide our efforts to reflect in various ministries the preferential option for the poor. We seek to challenge unjust structures and respond to the needs around us. Priority for mission has implications for community life; we are often dispersed, united ‘in mind and heart’, sharing the One Mission of the Body of the Institute. Member of Compass.
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