In a time when reform was needed within both the church and the Franciscan family, Matteo Bassi, a friar, sought a life away from possessions, position, and wealthy benefactors to spend a life as a hermit, with the externals of coarse habit, long hood (capuce: hence “Capuchin”), and bare feet. He and his companions were established in 1543. Today there are 10,500 Capuchin friars throughout the world. The local Capuchin community normally consists of four to six friars living together, dependent on each other for prayer, meals, and recreation together and to fulfill the various duties of each place: study, pastoral work, office work, retreats and missions, vocational work, the sacrament of reconciliation, lecturing, care for people who come to the friary, and chaplaincy work for hospitals, prisons, and schools, among others. Contact us. Member of Compass.
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