Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (F.M.O.L.) [Code: 442]

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The Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady North American Region are consecrated women inspired by St. Francis of Assisi. We are part of an international Congregation present in 17 countries. Our Regional U.S. Chapter sponsors a number of healthcare and social service ministries in Louisiana and Mississippi. We operate hospitals, clinics, physician practices, long-term care facilities, outreach clinics and education programs. Our social service ministries include caring for the homeless, unwed mothers, the impoverished and people in prison or adjusting to life after release. We operate a private university with a healthcare emphasis. Internationally, we support a mission in Aquin, Haiti. If you believe God is calling you to serve others and you wish to explore a religious vocation, we invite you to contact us. We will help you with your spiritual journey. Learn more at

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Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady (F.M.O.L.)




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