The Oblates of the Assumption live and work in over 20 countries worldwide. We live lives of Contemplation in action; driven by a love of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the Church (to be deepened continually and taken “to the world”). We live in international and intergenerational communities; with an ardent desire for the Coming of God’s Kingdom: within us, between us, around us. We are open to the modern world with a passion for mission; in collaboration with our Brothers: the Augustinians of the Assumption (with whom we share the same founder). Faithful to the spirit of our founder, Emmanuel d’Alzon, we aim to live this mission as: daughters of the Church and workers for unity who seek the Glory of God and the realization of the ultimate desire of Christ: “May they be one.” Ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue are, therefore, foremost in all that we do. Our motto is: Thy Kingdom Come. Member of Compass.
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