The mission of the Carmelite is to enter, by the total gift of herself, into the saving mission of Christ, who gave himself for us that we might come to a fuller life in God. The Carmelite is one with all people, those who believe, those who search, and those who do not know that they are searching. She identifies with all that is worthy of humanity’s endeavour. Yet she is called to a life that is counter-cultural: to live quietly, against the background noise of the city; to live sparingly in an increasingly wasteful age; to live hidden in a competitive society; above all, to live lovingly in a violent world. In her contemplative prayer, the Carmelite carries the needs and hopes of every person before God, lifting the face of humanity to the Father, and opening her heart to be a channel of his outpouring love for all. Each sister works for the good of all and everything is held in common. While silence is maintained throughout the day as far as possible, this is balanced by two periods of recreation when the sisters come together to strengthen the bonds of community life. Member of Compass..
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