Cenacle Sisters are inspired “to work for the transformation of the world by awakening and deepening faith with and for the people of our time.” Our three-fold mission is lived out through Apostolic Service, Prayer, and Community Life. Apostolic Service of making Christ known and loved is carried out through a variety of ministries, retreats, spiritual direction, chaplaincies, and faith development. Prayer is at the center of the mystery of the Cenacle and our lives as Cenacle Sisters. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, prayer is at the heart of our ministry and our ministry inspires our prayer so that in all things Christ may be made known and loved. Our community of faith is gathered out of love for God, united in our mission, and nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist so that we may have the grace of loving one another as Christ has loved us. Please contact us to learn more. Member of Compass.
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