Dominican Sisters (O.P.) [Code: 018]

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Dominican Sisters live in many locations throughout the U.S. We share a common heritage and are influenced by differences in our geography and history. As Dominicans, we claim preaching as our mission, supported by a life of prayer and study in community. In apostolic congregations, members often live near our ministry locations. Our preaching may take many forms, such as parish or diocesan ministry, education or health care, advocacy for justice, legal aid, the arts, spirituality, or missionary activity. In all our ministries Dominican women strive for integrity in serving God and creation. Women in their 20s to 40s are invited to contact a Dominican congregation for specific information about the process for joining this mission as a vowed member. Women are also invited to obtain information about retreat opportunities and volunteer programs at a nearby Dominican community. Locate one by visiting our website.

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Discernment Prayer Group with the Dominican Sisters of Peace
Apr 13 2025 Evento en Línea
Emmaus Discernment Group with the Dominican Sisters of Peace
Mar 16 2025 Evento en Línea
May 25 2025 Evento en Línea
Dominican Sisters (O.P.)


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