As women of prayer, rooted in community and committed to the mission of Jesus Christ, we are compelled by his love to make God known in the world. We work with and for the poor, to alleviate suffering and dispel ignorance and promote justice in all our ministries. In the spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Louise de Marillac, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, and Mother Mary Xavier Mehegan, we are faithful to our charism of charity as we engage ourselves in education, healthcare, diocesan and parish ministry, counseling, spiritual direction and retreats, homes for the aged, adult literacy programs, social services, and advocacy for the poor and oppressed. We serve in 10 dioceses, including El Salvador, Central America, and Haiti. For more information about us and living BOUNDLESS CHARITY IN YOUR LIFE AND WORK, please contact the Office of Vocation and Mission Engagement.
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