We are the women religious branch of the International Salvatorian Family. We collaborate in mission and ministry with priests and brothers of the Society of the Divine Savior and Lay Salvatorian women and men. The Salvatorian Sisters were founded in Tivoli, Italy in 1888 by John Baptist Jordan and Therese von Wullenweber. Our apostolic ministries in the U.S. include anti-human-trafficking initiatives, social work, counseling, law, art, pastoral care, education, and healthcare. International members carry out our mission to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus in 27 countries on five continents. Women ages 35-55 can learn more about life in community with Sisters of the Divine Savior by contacting our vocation directors, Sr. Mary Lee Grady, S.D.S. or Bobby Pantuso, S.D.S. See our online ad at VocationNetwork.org.
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