We are a community of priests and candidates to the priesthood with over 900 priests and 600 studying to be priests present in 21 countries, mainly throughout the Americas and Europe. We are devoted to the Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Sorrows, with prayers throughout our day, daily Mass, and community adoration every night. We seek to transform society from within by forming apostles and Christian leaders to build Christ's Kingdom, at the service of the Church. Legionaries are part of the Regnum Christi movement along with lay consecrated members and laypeople. We are a contemplative and conquering community working in ministries such as spiritual direction, education, retreats, service to the less fortunate, small group formation, and full-time missionary work in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. If you're interested in such a mission, please contact us: Fr. Martin Connor, LC, National Vocations Director, mconnor@legionofchrist.org. Visit LCVocations.org.
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