Serving in 20 countries around the world, the Xaverian Missionaries are an international, multicultural community of over 1,000 priests, brothers, and sisters. In the spirit of our founder Saint Guido M. Conforti we commit ourselves to live and witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ; the greatest gift we can share with the world; in poverty, chastity, and obedience. We fulfill this mission in and through community. Moved by our passion for Christ and for humanity our mission is directed to those who do not know Christ and among them we choose to work with the poor. It is our desire that our lives and our ministries may always reflect the love of Christ. Through empowerment of local communities, education, inter-religious dialogue, healthcare, social development, justice and peace, we facilitate the transformation of our world into the “ONE FAMILY” our Founder dreamed. Contact our Vocation Director.
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