Sisters of St. Joseph (C.S.J. and S.S.J.), Federation [Code: 024]

Member of the National Religious Vocation Conference

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Does loving God and neighbor without distinction stir your heart and energize you for living in today’s world? In 1650, six ordinary women came together to share their gift of God’s love. They prayed daily, lived simply in community and responded to the needs of their time. Nearly 375 years later, this same mission continues in over 50 countries worldwide. We are vowed religious women from all walks of life who share the mission of Jesus, “that all may be one.” We do this by praying together, living in community, and responding to the needs of our time. Our mission calls us to work toward union of God and neighbor without distinction. With our Associates, Agrégées, and Volunteers, we respond to the needs of our Church and world with compassion, creativity, and courage by using our individual and collective gifts in varied ways. Live the challenge of the Gospel with us! For more information, please visit the federation website or contact one of our vocation ministers.

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Sisters of St. Joseph (C.S.J. and S.S.J.), Federation


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